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Nov 19, 2015

US v them

Yes, I'm a Christian.

Yes, I have compassion for those fleeing war.

To those who say "You're mean, because you want to close the boarders," why do you lock your house and car doors?  I'm guessing there's also a password on every electronic you own, as well.  If you are so compassionate, open your own doors.  If these people are such great examples of society, invite them into your own community/home.  For every government official who claims these are such innocent and trustworthy people, open your own doors.  When will their mansions and (taxpayer provided) homes be used to house these refugees?

Do you remember the story of the Trojan Horse?  That is really what (some of) these "refugees" will be.  There is no way to prove these people are who they say they are.  The young man standing in front of you may or may not be fighting a Jihad or he may be running from one.  How are we supposed to know?  Would you allow your children to be placed into a pit of snakes with the promise "there are only a few poisonous ones in there?" Personally, I'd rather error on the side of safety.  It's called self-preservation, regardless of how selfish it may be.

You can call me a hypocrite, because I'm a descendant of immigrants.  The difference between my ancestors, except for the Native American lineage, and these refugees is assimilation.  My (Swedish) great-grandparents were so set on being Americans, they didn't teach their own children to speak Swedish.  From what I've been told, the only time Swedish was even spoken in the house was when it was something the children didn't need to know or hear. Many of these (new) immigrants come into our country, then throw a hissy fit because we don't follow their culture.  No, I'm not covering my head.  F-you if you think I'm giving up my driving privileges!  If you think I'm giving up my guns and Bible, you're dead wrong!

Jesus says to accept the sinners to the table.  That I can do.  If  you come to the table with a sword and the intent to kill me because of my belief in Jesus, then you are not welcome at the table.