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Apr 22, 2016

Minority Rules

Once again the minority is taking over the normalcy of this nation. A group of people that is less than 1% of the US population, according to multiple sources, is now telling the rest of the citizens they should be able to stomp their feet and use whichever bathroom they feel most comfortable in.

To put this into a greater perspective: A grown man is allowed to dress as a woman, because he chooses to do so.  The same man is now uncomfortable in using the men's restroom, because of how he CHOOSES to dress.  So he uses the women's restroom.  In that same place is a young boy, because he is not old enough to choose where to use the restroom.

Of course the scenario can be changed to the opposite gendered scenario, however this is more likely the case.  A woman looking like a man in the women's room may get a second glance. However, it's not likely for this woman to be assaulted by the rest of the women.

Instead of bowing down to the minority, we should be standing up to them! Let them deal with the consequences of their choices.  These are grown adults, acting like toddlers, stomping their feet to get what they want.  In the meantime, the rest of us have to be uncomfortable with their choice.

The next time I go to a sporting event or concert, I'm just going to waltz into the men's room.  Use the stall (scrub my hands) and waltz out. I know I'll be back in my seat a lot faster than waiting for the women's rooms' lines.  Maybe I'll just sit in whatever seat I choose, because my nosebleed seats are just too uncomfortable.  That should go over nicely, I'm sure

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