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Nov 9, 2016

The Day After

To those who are dealing with a political hangover, my sympathies.  Grief is part of the process.  It has been this way for over 240 years.  Just like the Cubs and the Indians, there had to be a winner and a loser.

In response to the doom and gloom responses seen on social media, let's be logical here.  (That may be difficult for those who think with feeeeeelings instead of their brain.)  LGBTetc crowd: Your marriage is not being threatened.  It is the law, just like Roe v Wade.  Secondly, your opponent was taking money from organizations that throw gays off of buildings.  Please tell me

If you fear you will be losing your health plan, do not fear.  The GOP has stated all along they want to take what IS working with the ACA, such as including pre-existing conditions, while ditching the rest.

For those who are unemployed or underemployed: businesses hire and thrive under a GOP presidency.  Look at the stock market's reaction.  It dropped 800+ points overnight.  Only to rebound, ending up on a record day the following morning.

These are just a few quick, gut-check, responses.  More to come, as Living Right On the Left Coast continues...
Image result for old glory

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