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Feb 14, 2013

Anti-Valentine's Day

To most men, this is the most dreaded day of the year.  To most women, this is one of the most anticipated days of the year.  Personally, I think it is an over-rated, over-commercialized, biggest piece of bunk there ever was created.
Yes, this is written by a woman.  No, I'm not some scorned and bitter woman who hates all romance.  Quite the contrary; I'm contentedly married to a wonderful man. So why am I anti-Valentine's Day?  The short answer is: "If you can't say/do it the rest of the year, don't bother simply because the calendar says to."
When my husband and I were dating, we hardly ever said "I love you" to each other.  There really wasn't or isn't a need to, when actions speak louder than words.   It means more to me when he randomly, and sometimes secretly, refills my Starbucks card.  Why? Because he knows how much of a treat a latte is to me.  Although I can't speak for him, I'm sure there are little things I do that mean the world to him as well.
Why is it people think that a particular date on the calendar is the ONE day to express your love to someone?  Because the media tells you so.  That being said, I encourage you to walk away from the brainwashing.  Don't pay two to three times more for those flowers than you would any other time of year.  Don't buy a box of chocolates, that most of us women will admit we don't need anyway.  However, so as not to hurt your loved one's feelings, simply make a card stating your feelings, but end the card with a "to be continued..."  Just remember to do those little things throughout the year!

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