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Feb 27, 2013

The sky is falling!

No, this is not in reference to any meteors or asteroids heading towards Earth.  There are members of the Federal Government that are claiming that (already hurting) parts of the government will be hit by the required cuts, which are due on Friday.  For example education and healthcare for children.

This bullying, all-or-nothing, stomping feet tactic is juvenile.  Adults not only know WHAT a budget is, they also know how to write and follow one.  If something is over budget in one spot, the funds need to come out of another non-necessary area, such as entertainment.

It's my opinion that the first cuts should be in the paycheck of those who are responsible for not having putting together a budget in over 4 years.  Then start looking at the waste of the government, starting with overlapping departments.  Let's not forget to look at what we "give" to other countries.  Those fighter jets that were sent to Egypt would have been a good example.

As the employer (aka taxpayer) of these people, I challenge them to do what is right, not what is easy (i.e. pointing fingers.)  Do what the rest of the citizens of this great country are forced to do.  Instead of milking us  closer to dry, do with what you already have been given.  Get the budget written, and in place.  Then, like the rest of us, live within your means!

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