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Oct 30, 2013

No religion in school?...hmmm

A FB friend of mine posted the following:

"Yesterday my sons class celebrated day of the dead. There was an altar, or altars, and each of the kids stood up to tell of someone who had crossed. All of the kids cried. And they offered each other caring and kindness as they cried themselves. "

It just sickens me!  I am so tired of having to "accept" whatever anyone else decides to shove down my kid's throat.  If I were to bring a cross, altar and Bible to my daughter's school, I wouldn't make it past the front door. (Even though the Superintendent is a member of my church.)  

This is another example of keeping God out of schools.  I guarantee God is in schools, though.  Every time a test is passed around a classroom, there is a child in that room praying to do well.  

On a much larger scale, during a catastrophe like the tornado that hit Moore, OK last spring, God was in the halls.  Some would say "where was He when those children and teachers died?"  He was bringing them home.

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