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Jun 22, 2016

Welcome to the United States of Trump

No, this is not a Bernie or Clinton supporting blog.  This is the voice of the heart of a (true) Conservative.

Yesterday, it was revealed (personally, heard on FOX News) That a lot of Trump's campaign expenses are paid to Trump owned companies.  This brought a slew of issues to mind, the top one being conflict of interest.

Of course, it's his campaign, he has the right to spend his money however he wishes.  What sort of precedent is this going to set for future Presidential hopefuls?  Does this mean only billionaire business(wo)men would be able to run?

What if he were actually POTUS?  Would only Trump affiliates be used for products and services?  Will the WH have "TRUMP" branded on it? Or, will the WH move to Trump towers?  Soon, you'll be seeing sign on the highways stating "Highway maintained by Trump Inc."  Food Stamp recipients would be allowed to only use "Trump Products."  Considering in his books (at least the excerpts I've seen) focus on how to brand your business, we could easily be "The United States of Trump."

Then there is the issue of who is really advising him. Recently, he fired his campaign manager, at the insistence of his children.  This brings up the question: Who is going to be his advisers if he becomes POTUS? his kids?  It would be a ready-made dynasty!  Considering the two children that have been rumored to have his ear are both registered Democrats, should raise some red flags.

These are just a few reasons I cannot, in good conscience, vote for Trump.  A protest vote seems to be the only option, at this point.

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