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Jul 11, 2016

Lives that matter

Martin Luther King Jr. has got to be rolling over in his grave.  The solidarity he marched for is being divided by the same group of people he was fighting on behalf of.  His dream was for all to march together, arm-in-arm, in peace.  Instead we have division; an "us vs them" attitude.

What happened to the goals of being color (of skin) blind?  As the Rev. King preached, it's not the color of a person's skin, but the integrity within.  This is how I treat others, and believe it's how it should be.  You could be green and still be an asshole; making me turn away from you in disgust.  One example of this is Asian/Indian (usually older) men.  (surprise!  it's not blacks!)  Why? Because of their culture and how women are treated oppressively.  Again, if you disrespect me, you will get the same treatment.

BLM claims disrespect by those who are sent to protect them.  Some in this camp don't want to hear "white" logic: If you don't break the law, the law will not come after you.  If you are hostile towards someone, you are going to get that same hostility back.  Although this makes sense to me, those who have been raised to disrespect, or even hate, law enforcement will not understand this concept.

Just like the cultures who are taught to hate Christians and Jews at a very young age, grow up with hate in their hearts. There are those in our own (American) society that grow up with anger and hate in their hearts--just as they were taught the anger and hatred.

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