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Oct 30, 2013

No religion in school?...hmmm

A FB friend of mine posted the following:

"Yesterday my sons class celebrated day of the dead. There was an altar, or altars, and each of the kids stood up to tell of someone who had crossed. All of the kids cried. And they offered each other caring and kindness as they cried themselves. "

It just sickens me!  I am so tired of having to "accept" whatever anyone else decides to shove down my kid's throat.  If I were to bring a cross, altar and Bible to my daughter's school, I wouldn't make it past the front door. (Even though the Superintendent is a member of my church.)  

This is another example of keeping God out of schools.  I guarantee God is in schools, though.  Every time a test is passed around a classroom, there is a child in that room praying to do well.  

On a much larger scale, during a catastrophe like the tornado that hit Moore, OK last spring, God was in the halls.  Some would say "where was He when those children and teachers died?"  He was bringing them home.

Feb 27, 2013

The sky is falling!

No, this is not in reference to any meteors or asteroids heading towards Earth.  There are members of the Federal Government that are claiming that (already hurting) parts of the government will be hit by the required cuts, which are due on Friday.  For example education and healthcare for children.

This bullying, all-or-nothing, stomping feet tactic is juvenile.  Adults not only know WHAT a budget is, they also know how to write and follow one.  If something is over budget in one spot, the funds need to come out of another non-necessary area, such as entertainment.

It's my opinion that the first cuts should be in the paycheck of those who are responsible for not having putting together a budget in over 4 years.  Then start looking at the waste of the government, starting with overlapping departments.  Let's not forget to look at what we "give" to other countries.  Those fighter jets that were sent to Egypt would have been a good example.

As the employer (aka taxpayer) of these people, I challenge them to do what is right, not what is easy (i.e. pointing fingers.)  Do what the rest of the citizens of this great country are forced to do.  Instead of milking us  closer to dry, do with what you already have been given.  Get the budget written, and in place.  Then, like the rest of us, live within your means!

Feb 14, 2013

Anti-Valentine's Day

To most men, this is the most dreaded day of the year.  To most women, this is one of the most anticipated days of the year.  Personally, I think it is an over-rated, over-commercialized, biggest piece of bunk there ever was created.
Yes, this is written by a woman.  No, I'm not some scorned and bitter woman who hates all romance.  Quite the contrary; I'm contentedly married to a wonderful man. So why am I anti-Valentine's Day?  The short answer is: "If you can't say/do it the rest of the year, don't bother simply because the calendar says to."
When my husband and I were dating, we hardly ever said "I love you" to each other.  There really wasn't or isn't a need to, when actions speak louder than words.   It means more to me when he randomly, and sometimes secretly, refills my Starbucks card.  Why? Because he knows how much of a treat a latte is to me.  Although I can't speak for him, I'm sure there are little things I do that mean the world to him as well.
Why is it people think that a particular date on the calendar is the ONE day to express your love to someone?  Because the media tells you so.  That being said, I encourage you to walk away from the brainwashing.  Don't pay two to three times more for those flowers than you would any other time of year.  Don't buy a box of chocolates, that most of us women will admit we don't need anyway.  However, so as not to hurt your loved one's feelings, simply make a card stating your feelings, but end the card with a "to be continued..."  Just remember to do those little things throughout the year!

Jan 12, 2013

This upside down world.

It makes absolutely no sense to me that a nation is (slowly) allowing marijuana to be openly used, but (the government) wants to take our defenses (guns) away.  It's ok to self-medicate, but not defend our property and loved ones?
It makes absolutely no sense to me that my kids can start any sort of group at their school, as long as it's not a Bible Study.
It makes absolutely no sense to me that the state/city I live in allows (frequent) naked bicycle rides, but is against building a casino/entertainment center.
It makes absolutely no sense to me that people want to ban guns, but will pay for violent movies and video games.
It makes absolutely no sense to me that the ones who are the biggest advocates of gun control are the same people who benefit most by gun protection through body guards (or Secret Service.)
It makes absolutely no sense to me that a government can expect it's citizens to budget until it hurts, but it can't agree on a budget.

Jan 8, 2013

Just the beginning

Nancy Pelosi was recently recorded saying the government isn't done increasing our taxes (paraphrasing here.)  If you were paying attention to the intentions of the government, you would not be surprised at this.  Of course they start by sugar coating the beginning round by "taxing the rich."  Then they will come back and say, "that didn't cover the costs of the government, so we need to tax the middle class."  That still won't be enough, so they will hit the lower class.  Then the cycle will start all over again.
The government is addicted to other people's money.  Just like a drug addict, it will never be enough.  They will be nervously looking everywhere to find a different way to get access to our funds.  One example of this is "Obamacare."  The Supreme Court couldn't even decide if we would be fined or taxed, according to the wording of the original document.  (If you ask me, a fine collected by the IRS is a tax.)
People really need to look at history.  This is exactly what monarchies would do.  Start with the top, only to discover it didn't cover their greed.  Then they'd hit the next class down, until every citizen is taxed to revolution.   Taxes are what prompted the Boston Tea Party, before the United States declared its' independence from Great Britain.
While you are refreshing your memory in the history files, you might want to look at the outcome of every Socialist Society.

Modern day slavery

"Modern Day Slavery"  When these words are said, most think "third world countries" or dictatorships, but certainly not the United States.  Most think "Freedom!" when talking about the US.  Sadly, the larger the government becomes the smaller our freedoms are.  I believe Ronald Reagan even is quoted stating something similar.
Think about it: a slave owner expects production from it's slaves.  The US government expects a portion, that is becoming larger and larger, from what we earn.  If the slaves are lucky, they reap a few of the benefits  of the owner.  In today's world, a good comparison would be Social Security, Unemployment (payments) and as of 2014, health care.
A slave owner controls what the slaves own, as well as their actions.  The government is slowly controlling more and more of what we do and have.  An east coast city's mayor has even put into law the limitation of what size of soda can be purchased.  There are even school's that dictate what a child can bring in his/her lunch box.  The types of energy we used are controlled by the taxes attached to the energy (think coal industry,) so it becomes less attractive to use.  These are just small examples, but it's just a beginning.