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Dec 16, 2012

2nd Amendment

The 2nd amendment is the amendment to the US Constitution that gives us the right to bear arms.  Dec 15, 1791 is when it was adopted.  In other words it has been part of our Nation's history for over 200 years!

With all of the crazies shooting down innocents throughout the US, the liberals are once again waving the "ban guns" flags.  I say "Go ahead!" If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.  Every gun toting outlaw will be out in force.

Let's think about this a bit.  How long have guns been around?  Firearms have been around since the 12th century.  Man has massacred others a lot longer than that.  More often than not, it was with fire.  If there was a dispute between two villages, tribes, countries (name it) there would be war and battles between them.  What was used in these battles?  Any armor they could get their hands on.  Yet the one that did the most destruction was fire.  Torch a village, when the members were sleeping, seemed to be very common.

So go ahead, ban the guns.  The guns are only a tool being used by crazies, who have no conscience.  Take the guns out of their hands and they will find other tools to use.  The same day a massacre happened on US soil, a massacre happened in China.  What was the weapon of choice? Knives.  In the mid-east it's bombs that are used on innocents.  There are even threats of using chemicals against large groups of people.  (This is not new.  Agent Orange was a common weapon during the Vietnam War.)

The whole point is: take the tools away, and man will still find a way to harm others, if they are in the wrong frame of mind.

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