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Dec 28, 2012

Someone needs to be pushed off of a cliff somewhere...

Are you kidding me?


According to this article at the Weekly Standard, the President, by Executive Order, NOT by going through Congress, has given raises to government officials including VP Biden, as well as the Supreme Court!  The US is borrowing money to keep itself running, and they think they deserve a raise!?  They are not doing their job by balancing the budget and running the nation in a rational way.  Instead they spend all of their time pointing fingers at each other, just like children do.  ("Not MY fault!  HE did it!")

In the meantime, the rest of us are having to tighten our belts in preparation for the tax hikes that will hit us in January (not to mention what the Obamacare package will be doing to our paychecks.)  By the end of 2013,  the rest of us will be living on "starving college student" meals, like beans and rice or mac and cheese.  Whether we like it or not, we, the citizens of the United States are forced to live within our means.  Why the Hell shouldn't the ones who we have voted to represent us not have to live by those same rules?

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