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Dec 21, 2012

Bringing God back into our schools.

Talk about a challenge being thrown down.  On Facebook, I shared a photo/e-card referring to the need to bring God back into our schools.  My mom's cousin commented "which god?"

Now, I was raised to respect my elders.  So how do I respectfully disagree with one of them?  This is my response to him on FB:

Which God?
-the God who protected and guided my daughters to safety, last Tuesday during the shooting at the Clackamas Town Center, where they work.
-the God who kept my oldest daughter safe last year, when she decided to take a road trip to another state without my permission
-the God who comforted us five years ago, when my husband and father to my children collapsed and died in front of us all.
-the God who has continuously provided angels to me when I needed help throughout my life.  This is for small things like a stranger changing my car tire, so I could tend to my infant daughter. As well as the big things like keeping my youngest daughter and myself safe, as we out-rode a tornado. (we were so close to the storm, we didn't know we were in the middle of it.)
-the God who stood by my side in my younger years, even when I turned my back on Him.

You may ask where He was during events like mall shootings, school shootings and even movie theater shootings.  He's in the heroes who block bullets from our children.  He's in the open doors leading to safety.  The list goes on.  He's NOT in the evil of those pulling the trigger.  Evil is not the opposite of God.  It is the lack of Him.

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