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Jan 28, 2017

A bunch of whiners!

If you scrolled through Facebook in the last day or so, you probably saw a meme denouncing the Keystone and Dakota pipelines.  In the same meme is a black man holding a sign regarding the water pipes in Michigan.  Of course, the left are just sharing this thing over and over.  What they don't think about is the left has been in control of Flint, Michigan the entire time there's been a drinking water problem.

Another one pointed out that "45" is dumb because he put a hiring freeze in place at the same time he expanded the Border Patrol.  Again, not paying attention to the details, the fact that the military is exempt from the hiring freeze covers this action.

Then there's the meme of the Boston Tea Party, eluding to the "crybabies" not wanting George III to control their country.  Once again, ignoring historical facts.  The Patriots were mostly businessmen tired of paying extreme taxes. (you know the line..."taxation without representation.")  The revolution was to take away government overreach.  While today's "crybabies" are upset about a government trying to create a smaller government.

Image result for crybabies meme

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