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Jan 13, 2017

Taxes and funding Planned Parenthood

Since when is it the government's responsibility to cover your ass' actions?  The left is all up in arms about the defunding of Planned Parenthood.  "We're going to lose our abortions and birth control!," etc., etc., etc. ad nauseum.

First off, if they would research the reason the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger's  true intent of the organization, the left would run like hell away from them.  Her intent was to do away with the poor.  In theory, if they didn't have any more children, there would be fewer of them to contend with.  The race she was trying to eliminate? Blacks.  Of course this is an inconvenient truth.

Who should really be responsible for your reproductive system? You? or the government?  Roe v Wade has already established that the right to those services is legal.  Not anywhere does it say that it should be provided for by the government.

PP or health insurance?  Everything that is provided to a woman at Planned Parenthood is now covered under the (not-so-)Affordable Care Act.  That being said, doesn't PP lose it's niche?

It's bad enough that a woman in menopause has to "select" birth control coverage on her insurance plan, and PAY for it, knowing full well it will never be used.  (Don't even get started on the pediatric coverage. That needs to be saved another rant.)

What happened to consequences?  Oh yeah, that went out the door when Participation Trophies were invented.

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