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Jan 14, 2017

Like using a cloth?

"Like using a cloth?" Sorry to use a line from Killery, but it just seems to fit.

Once again, the left is in need of smelling salts.  This time it's thanks to The House voting to repeal the ACA.

Back in the day, when teachers used chalk boards, the boards were wiped clean before starting the next lesson.  This is what Congress has to do, if we are going to create a bigger and better healthcare plan.

No where does anything state that what was originally on that board couldn't be rewritten. For example in math, we wouldn't have been able to go back over previous lessons to build up to algebra or even calculus levels.  That being said, if Congress is going to do this right, they have to use what was working and build upon it.  If they're smart, this is what they'll do.  Otherwise they'll be looking for work in 2-4 years.

Can't wait until Trump starts to drain the swamp.  There might be a spike in smelling salts' manufacturing companies' stocks.

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