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Jan 20, 2017

Where's the real news?

Instead of focusing on the first FLOTUS being a Nationalized Citizen, the majority of coverage is on the "protesters."  For the fear-mongering crowd that states President Trump is going to shut down immigration need to really look at who stands beside him.  His stand is on ILLEGAL immigration...basically follow the rules in place. If you go to other places, Mexico for example, and don't have the proper paperwork, you would be imprisoned or even killed.

At the writing of this blog, a picture was posted on Facebook of weapons being confiscated in Seattle at the "protests."  A protest with weapons isn't a protest, it's a riot.

Instead of focusing on the plans to get people back to work, (note: Ford, Carrier, etc.) the media is focusing on losing welfare payments and subsidies.

Both Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow stated in their post-inauguration responses that making "America First" represents Nazis and Hitler.  (Really!?) Could someone please explain how being the best at something (unless it's evil) is a bad thing.  That's what happens when everyone gets a participation trophy.  Surely, every athlete plays their sport to come in second.

Then there's the protesting going on.  How is burning and looting going to change who's in the White House?  How is wearing a pink hat going to change what is going on in DC?  It's sad that this energy and effort couldn't be used towards March of Dimes or breast cancer marches--something that is good for all women, not just the left.

It's going to be interesting to see and hear what people say in four years.

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