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Jan 25, 2017

Planned Parenthood and beyond

One would think the sky is falling with all of the screaming about Planned Parenthood being defunded.  The "Mexico City" laws are (back) in place.  The left acts like it's the end of the world. Yet, this law is enacted and retracted with every president since it came into law.

There are finally voices speaking out against the marches and PP.  These are not politicians, but everyday "Big Joe's."  (Google "Big Joe's" video clip.)  This man was simply riding his bicycle through a group of women marching, when a woman decided it was her duty to verbally assault this man.  Instead of hiding tail and running, he addressed her.  Not only did he address her, but fully stated the truth behind PP's existence: to eradicate the poor and blacks, or any other "undesirable" group.

Then today this article pops up on Facebook:

The article is written by a woman living in Egypt, and is a real eye-opener!

If you were to take the correlations between the Women's March and the Muslim Brotherhood, it should scare the living crap out of you! Yet it makes sense.

When reports started to appear stating that Muslim groups were behind the marches, it didn't make sense.  Yet, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other organizations like it, is promoting these activities for the same reason Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger: to eliminate the undesirables.  

So who and what would the Muslim Brotherhood want to eliminate? Infidels, of course.  This includes the LGBTQ groups that are being used to promote these marches.  Think about it: Muslims pushing abortions and homosexuality, and supporting women "rights."  Doesn't make sense, does it?  But to look at the two going hand-in-hand, it does make sense.  Encourage the undesirables not to produce offspring, then there will be fewer of them to deal with in the future. 

So if you want to really march for Women's Rights, fine.  Next time, you might want to look a little deeper into who is really promoting the event and what the true motive is behind it.

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